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Anasayfa > Oyuncak & Kitap > Kitap > Çocuk Kitapları > Sesli Kitaplar > Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
{ "items": [ { "item_id":"9780711287075", "item_name":"Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like", "affiliation":"Minycenter", "coupon":"3 Al 2 Öde!", "discount": 0.00, "index": 0, "item_brand": "Kaddo", "item_category": "KİTAP", "item_category2": "", "item_category3": "SESLİ KİTAPLAR", "item_list_id": "KİTAP", "item_variant": "Çok Renkli", "item_list_name": "KİTAP", "price": 989.00, "quantity": 1 } ] }
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like  Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like  Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like  Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like  Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like  Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like  Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
 Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like  Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like

Kaddo Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like

3 Al 2 Öde!

Lütfen beden seçiniz

Swan Lake musical jigsaw puzzle: Featuring four 10-second sound clips of an orchestra playing from Tchaikovsky’s original score, a perfect gift for music lovers and aspiring ballerinasSturdy gift box contains: 48-piece puzzle (44 regular pieces, plus 4 shaped pieces with cutouts that give access to the musical buttons on the included frame) and an educational poster; finished puzzle measures 29.7 × 21 cm / 11.7 × 8.3 in.4 musical buttons to press: Complete the puzzle to see how the story ends and press the musical note inside the shaped pieces to hear the musicEdutainment for ages 4–7: Includes a puzzle frame that gives a concise retelling of the story of Swan Lake and a double-sided poster with information about the composer, music, and the story’s ending on one side and the full puzzle image on the otherPiece together the magical adventure of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake ballet with this unique musical jigsaw puzzle.Begin with a musical puzzle frame that outlines in illustrations a Özellikleri:
  • Musical Puzzle - The Story Orchestra Swan Like
  • Üretim yeri: ÇİN
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Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 989 989
2 Taksit 494.5 989
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 989 989
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Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 989 989
2 Taksit 494.5 989
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 989 989
2 Taksit 494.5 989
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 989 989
2 Taksit 494.5 989
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 989 989
2 Taksit 494.5 989
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 989 989
2 Taksit 494.5 989
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Daha Fazla Göster
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