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{ "items": [ { "item_id":"9780760355312", "item_name":"Inside Out Human Body", "affiliation":"Minycenter", "coupon":"", "discount": 129.98, "index": 0, "item_brand": "Becker & Meyer", "item_category": "KİTAP", "item_category2": "", "item_category3": "SESLİ KİTAPLAR", "item_list_id": "KİTAP", "item_variant": "Çok Renkli", "item_list_name": "KİTAP", "price": 649.90, "quantity": 1 } ] }
 Inside Out Human Body
 Inside Out Human Body  Inside Out Human Body

Becker & Meyer Inside Out Human Body

649.90 519.92

Lütfen beden seçiniz

Discover the amazing human body, system by system and layer by layer, and the incredible things it is capable of with Inside Out Human Body. A layered 3-D model of the human body serves as the center point of each section, revealing key body parts and functions, while entertaining and informative text explains how the body works.What do you think is the most amazing machine in the universe? A superconductor? The modern computer? A rocket ship? Think again: It’s the human body! Astonishingly intricate and complex, your body grows, heals itself, and performs a mind-boggling number of complex functions all at the same time.Inside Out Human Body takes you on an incredible journey through the powerful muscular system, the "bone zone" (aka the skeletal system), the long and windy road of the digestive system, the blood-pumping circulatory system, the forty-seven-mile long nervous system, and beyond.Each section is fully illustrated with colorful diagrams and includes fun, interactive l Özellikleri:
  • Inside Out Human Body
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Tek Çekim 519.92 519.92
2 Taksit 259.96 519.92
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 519.92 519.92
2 Taksit 259.96 519.92
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 519.92 519.92
2 Taksit 259.96 519.92
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 519.92 519.92
2 Taksit 259.96 519.92
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 519.92 519.92
2 Taksit 259.96 519.92
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 519.92 519.92
2 Taksit 259.96 519.92
Taksit Sayısı Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek Çekim 519.92 519.92
2 Taksit 259.96 519.92
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Daha Fazla Göster
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